Welcome to The Alignment Code™

Attainment of goals starts with your alignment

We specialise in training coaches who are ambitious about elevating their professional growth and success, delivering exceptional results for their clients, and standing out in a competitive global market. Our innovative products and services, centered around The Alignment Code™ app, are designed to give you a distinct advantage.

Who is The Alignment Code™ App for?

The Alignment Code™ is designed by a coach for coaches and individuals who are curious about the subconscious mind and discovering subconscious blockages such as negative beliefs, limiting decisions and unconscious behaviours in the way of their goals. 

It’s suitable for all mind-set coaches, success coaches, business coaches, master coaches, NLP practitioners, Emotion Code® and Body Code™ practitioners, life coaches, executive coaches, health coaches, kinesiologists, chiropractors, naturopaths, spiritual and intuitive coaches, love and dating coaches, holistic physicians, therapists and anyone who works with the subconscious mind, uses muscle testing or the pendulum.  

Get to the heart of any problem, fast, using The Alignment Code App!

The Alignment Code™ app empowers coaches by motivating them to master their intuition and providing a comprehensive tool filled with specialised industry knowledge and terminology. This enables direct communication with the subconscious mind.

Reprogram your subconscious mind •

Reprogram your subconscious mind •

Now Is The Time To Take Control Of Your Experience!

The Alignment Code™ app solves the problem of unknown and unconscious subconscious impediments blocking success by allowing you to discover the root cause of the problem fast and dissolve it! The app, in conjunctions with our trainings, provides the answer to HOW to change our beliefs plus even more!

Curious about the subconscious mind and would like to know more?

Subscribe to the app and get started by purchasing our value-packed Introductory Video Tutorial Package available to instantly download!

The Introductory Video Tutorial Package includes

1. App Familiarisation
Guided Tour Around the App.

2. Intuition
Learn Two Ways to Communicate with Your Subconscious Mind.

3. Emotion Fundamentals
Why Emotions Become the Root Cause.

4. Limiting Beliefs
Defined and How to Identify & Delete them.

Features of the app


Discover negative beliefs or limiting decisions in the way of your success and integrate powerful, positive beliefs from the largest ever library of beliefs on file


Access business, spiritual, evolutionary & wellness values with definitions and quotes from thought leaders


Psychological & contemporary terms, spiritual concepts, aspects of the subconscious mind, and ideas to help you communicate more specifically with your subconscious mind


Identify unwanted, shadow behaviours, personality traits and qualities, with definitions, pulling you out of alignment with your goals

Reprogram your subconscious, align with your goals & take action with 100% certainty.

Our Founder

Alison Field

Executive Coach and the creator of The Alignment Code™ app

With nearly a decade of practical coaching experience, she works with a diverse range of clients, including CEOs, executives, sales professionals, coaches, practitioners, business owners, and individuals seeking to reinvent themselves, elevate their careers, or transition into business ownership by surpassing their perceived limitations.

Since its inception in 2022, Alison has integrated The Alignment Code™ app in her coaching practice and throughout this period, she has witnessed the profound fascination her clients experience during their transformative self-discovery sessions. Clients express deep appreciation as they become consciously aware of the subconscious or conscious blockages that have been hindering their success, allowing them to achieve remarkable breakthroughs.