The Alignment Code™ App Live Tutorial 

Live Webinar Tutorial

Are you loving The Alignment Code™ app and want to deepen your understanding and usage of the app?

Why not book a space at one or all of our weekly Live Group Webinars?

Exciting modules to complete

  • You can easily book your spot online

  • Two weekly tutorials offered

  • We offer a secure credit card payment option

  • No monthly membership required

  • Feel supported while you learn new skills and grow

  • No recordings permitted or offered

  1. Emotions
    Deepen your understanding of emotions as the root cause

  2. Changing beliefs
    Learn how to fully change beliefs and do a belief change session

  3. Align to values
    Learn what values are, why they’re important and how to align to them

  4. Dissolve Unwanted Behaviours
    Eliminate behaviours and habits blocking success

  5. Alignment Check Lists
    Learn how to help others and yourself get into alignment

  6. The Hierarchy of Values Map & Vibration
    Measure your success by vibration

Contented & Delivered by Our Founder & Head Coach

Alison Field

Why Lessons?

  • Upgrade your usage of the app to an intermediate level

  • Learn specific key skills in depth

  • Have your questions answered 

  • Leverage from app developers experience 

  • Get expert tips to maximise your app subscription 

  • Connect and network with the community

  • Invest in yourself and increase the value of your offering

  • Add new services to your coaching business


Group Tutorial

Level 2 Modules

AUD $450 (USD $300) per tutorial

1 Hour

Saturday and Monday 5 PM New York time / 2 PM Los Angeles / 10PM London & Paris / 11 PM Johannesburg / Sunday and Tuesday 7 AM Sydney / 6 AM Tokyo


If you already have subscribed to The Alignment Code™, you know first hand how much content has been packed into the app

Now there is an opportunity to take lessons and master the app one week at a time for USD $300 per week!

You Will Learn How To

  • Improve muscle testing accuracy

  • Identify and delete negative beliefs

  • Identify and integrate positive beliefs

  • Identify and delete limiting decisions

  • Identify and dissolve unconscious behaviours and traits 

  • Reconnect with the subconscious mind and Higher self

  • Deliver an alignment session 

  • Be able to utilise the Practitioner Alignment Checklist 

  • Align to a value

  • Identify sessions themes 

  • Be able to offer clients customised positive affirmations 

  • Deliver belief sessions for kids

  • Identify patterns of thinking in the way of success

  • Discover subconscious impediments in the way of your goals

  • Learn how to measure the success of your sessions

Want to learn more?
Contact us!